Watchmen Chapter 1

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    Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons

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    Chapter 1


    C hapter 1 of Watchmen introduces all of the major characters that are part of the graphic novel. Watchmen starts out with excerpts from Rorschach's journal about how the world is pretty much going to hell. In the pictures it is shown, starting from a close-up view, and zooming out until the scene gets to and investigator. Him along with another investigator are searching the apartment of Edward Blake, a man who was murdered. Due to Blake's size they conclude that whoever did this to him "really had it in for this guy."

    The first character introduced is Rorschach who goes up to Edward Blake's apartment to investigate the murder for himself. As Rorschach makes his way to a closet he finds a button that reveals Blake was more than just average person but was something more. After Rorschach's discover the scene shifts to two old friends talking Hollis Mason and Dan Dreiberg, otherwise known as Nite Owl and Nite Owl II. As Dan is walking home we see the lonely life of Dan. When he arrives home he sees his house has been broken into only to find Rorschach eating a can of beans. Rorschach reveals that Edward Blake is the Comedian and begins to come up with his conspiracy theories. Also revealing that Dan has a weak personality and a quitter as Rorschach leaves the workshop.

    The next day, Rorschach tries to find out more information about the Comedian's murder by going to a bar. There he tries to get information by breaking a man's little finger and index finger, but no one knows anything about the murder. Next Rorschach goes to visit another superhero, Adrian Veidt or Ozymandias. There Rorschach speaks of his conspiracy theory, while Adrian believes it could have been a political killing.

    After visiting Veidt, Rorschach breaks into the Rockefeller Military Research Center to visit the other two major characters Dr. Manhattan and Silk Spectre II or Jon and Laurie. Again Rorschach tries to get his conspiracy theory across to Jon and Laurie, but since Rorschach is getting to Laurie she asks Jon to make Rorschach leave and go. Jon does as Laurie pleases and Rorschach is teleported out before he has his say. Later that evening Dan and Laurie join each other to reminisce on old times, while revealing that not very many things are happening in the world that people can enjoy.

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